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Kandy is cute and sexy.

Wish there'd be more involving her.


when i try launch the game it says

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

any help

That sounds like a web browser specific issue, most I can find on it is that is an error from using a browser like Safari, I will definitely look into it but in the mean time maybe try using a browser like Firefox ^-^

though I downloaded it onto my pc, so I am not using any browsers?

I did it with the app, same message.

perfect idea, cute game


Im glad you enjoyed it! ^-^


I did find a bug though; if you get caught the first time, the retry does not work as you get immediately caught upon restarting the level

(1 edit)

Ah that sucks, Ill look into it see if I can untangle the spaghetti code enough to fix it (Although tbh, Im not sure I can, but Ill try)! Thanks for letting me know, refreshing the page should work well enough in the mean time though, sorry about that >.<

Quite neat! i like the lewd and hope to see more of it :>


theres no way to finish it sad

There is absolutely a way to win and it is explained pretty clearly both in game and on the itch page, sorry if you somehow missed it

yea sorry about that i didnt read it properly